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Literary Scams

Writers Beware

Before entering any writing or poetry contests please check out these links.  There are many unethical parties out there just waiting to boost your ego and take your money. This saddens me beyond belief.  To live off of and profit handsomely by such despicable practices is thoroughly outside my realm of understanding.  As I became aware of the scope of thievery, I rhetorically exclaimed "How do these people eat a dinner paid for by such means?".  A friend, tongue-in-cheek, replied "On silver platters".  Sometimes a jest can be closer to the truth than we can know.

To all aspiring writers:

Have You...

Ever been charged an up-front fee by a literary agency?

Ever received an agent's offer to read your manuscript, only to be referred to a freelance book doctor?

Ever received a publication offer it turned out you had to pay for?

Ever used a vanity, subsidy, co-op, or joint venture publisher (print or electronic) and been dissatisfied with the results?

Ever entered a contest and discovered you had to buy something in order to participate?

If so, Writer Beware wants to hear from you.

They maintain an extensive archive of documentation on literary agents, book doctors, subsidy publishers, and others who engage in the practices we warn about. If you have letters, contracts, brochures or other material you think they would like to see, please send them to:

Victoria Strauss
PO Box 1216
Amherst MA 01004


Literary Scams

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All Literature Awards site contents are copyrighted © 2003 by J M McElligott and may not be published in any form. We take domain name, title, and copyright infringement seriously

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